Technical difficulties


So, the reconstruction referenced yesterday didn't happen; I discovered some other minor problems before uploading and am having to address those first. Also, I've been spending a lot of time cybershopping because my TV is failing, and I need my TV. I mean, not really, I could live without it and could watch most of what I watch on a computer or even my phone, but how could I have my Trek Night parties or baseball gatherings if all I have is a 14" PC monitor?

So I'm shelling out for a new set. I could repair this one myself if I want to get adventurous, but even that would cost me money for parts and I don't really have the room to disassemble a 55" flatscreen and keep all the parts organized and free of cat hair and (if in the garage) sawdust. Paying someone else to replace the LEDs, which is the failing component, would cost about as much as I paid to buy the thing in the first place. So, new one it is.

Initially, I figured as long as I'm getting a new one I might as well go up a size since I have room, but it's $100 more for the bigger one unless I get a lesser quality model, so the decision came down to what do I want more, a better screen or a bigger screen? Better won. So, same size Roku Plus model is on the way from Best Buy. Even if the current one was still watchable for a while I figured better to buy this now before the tariffs kick in, because our new POTUS is a fucking idiot that still thinks tariffs are magic money that comes from Chinese genies or something and not effectively additional sales taxes.

Anyway, all of which is to say that the site update is still to come. Hopefully in the next couple of days. Unless things go awry yet again.

Now I'm off to umpire in the frigid cold again.

← Previous: Reconstruction (January 19, 2025)



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