The more you overtake the plumbing...
I've been spending some time this week upgrading this here website's under-the-hood guts. Or, more accurately, I've been putting together new guts with an eye toward moving the database making up all of my posts and such from these old guts into the new guts. But it may be more trouble than it's worth. has been in this basic configuration for many years now, and over that time I've made modifications to so many different elements of its core infrastructure that whenever I think I'm about ready to make the switch I realize another of my custom mods is missing from the new guts. The latest is in the commenting system—I need to have some form of spam filtering or else I just get inundated with bot comments (that's one reason I was even contemplating a guts upgrade), and I can't seem to get my foil-bots-with-math thing to function in the new guts. That may end up being an easy fix, but in the meantime I've spent all afternoon/evening on this and though I realize it's good "exercise," as it were, to bring things up to PHP conventions that are less outdated, it won't really affect anything that anyone will see. Unless I inadvertently break things. Which seems likely at this point.
The upgrading is only going to be useful to me on the back end of things, and really it functions just fine now; I just know that eventually servers will insist on running more modern PHP code and while I have a slow week it seemed like a time to get ahead of that. But right now I'm just cursing the march of progress and am abandoning the effort for the evening while I raid my fridge for dinner.
This has been a Pointless Blog Entry™.
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